New Years Resolutions

New year, new me?

I have no idea how 2018 just flew by. I feel like I say that every year but as I get older the years go by faster, and I don’t know about you but that scares the sh*t out of me. It scares me that I never get to fully accomplish everything I want because time is just moving faster than my mind and body can! So I’m going to keep 2019 resolutions easy, concise yet efficient so that I can thoroughly reach these goals without being overwhelmed.

  1. Save money- I mean who doesn’t want to save money. The problem is actually doing it correctly. I think we do a good job of saving x amount every month but I know we definitely can get that number higher.
  2. Go to the gym 3x a week- Some type of health or exercise is probably a priority on everyone’s list but it’s so necessary at least for me. For the most part, I already go to the gym 2-3x a week and that’s do-able so my goal is to just keep that up and get stronger!
  3. Read way more- John got me a Kindle for Christmas which is honestly the only thing I really wanted and needed so my goal is to read two books a month. I’m starting January with Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine if you’re curious!
  4. Cook at home 6x a week– These days I don’t feel great when I eat out or order postmates. We usually spend a minimum of $100 when we dine out and the food is just not as delicious as it used to be. It’s probably because I’m getting old and becoming a homebody but I would rather eat home cooking even if that means I have to whip something up. We can save money and eat healthy when I cook at home!
  5. Help the Environment– This year was the first year I actually felt compelled to do something for our environment. I know I sound insanely ignorant and flat-out dumb for realizing it so late but this year I was just more aware of what’s going on in our world and the negative impact we’re creating. Earlier this year, I walked into a forever 21 and I literally freaked out. There were so many clothes, like so much. It was so unnecessary and seemed so wasteful. I read that the United States generated 16.22 million tons of disposed textiles and recycled only 2.62 million tons. Now I’m not saying I’m giving up shopping to protect the environment, but “quality over quantity” is key here. Will focus on my wardrobe with pieces that will last me years than just a few months. I also want to be better with my everyday routine like not use or buy plastic, recycling everything that I can, buying used clothes and bags, using reusable bottles, composting at home, the list goes on but I just want to do everything I can reduce my ecological footprint in 2019.
  6. Go to church every Sunday– I don’t talk about religion or politics on here but being honest this is a goal of mine. I used to go every Sunday and somehow life happened and now we only make it 3x a month so our goal is to go every Sunday and find a community.
  7. Be on my phone less- This is such a tricky thing as my job is to document my life and engage with you guys every day but it also takes away from real life moments and quality time with my friends and family. So I’m not saying I’m not going share my life but I think getting organized and knowing which days to be “on” and which days to take off is going to be a good balance for me.
  8. Use my Bullet Journal- I used to journal religiously. It kept my thoughts organized but I kind of lost it near the end and things just go chaotic. So my goal is to utilize these organization tools so that I can work more efficiently and manage projects more smoothely as well.
  9. Be a better wife- Such a weird thing to write down but I believe you can always be a better version of yourself. I know I do things that annoy the crap out of John or things that just don’t make sense to him and instead of thinking “this is who I am,” I instead want him to feel that I’m listening and changing for him just as he does for me. Our marriage is the most important relationship in my life so I always want to make sure he’s my priority and if I can be a better person to him and to the world then I want to remind myself to do that for 2019
  10. Prepare for a baby!?!?- Finally… right? You guys probably don’t know but been planning for 2019 to be the year to really start trying. If you read my baby post then you know why I’ve been hesitant but we feel it’s just the right time for us in our lives. So basically I need to prep my body, mind, soul, and just anything really for what comes next. I’m honestly so scared! Eeks! If it happens it happens, if it doesn’t it doesn’t. Let’s just start is our motto for 2019!

I hope you guys enjoyed reading a little bit into my personal goals and resolutions for this year. I can’t express how much you guys mean to me and how thankful I’m that you guys are part of my journey in life! I hope you guys have a wonderful New Years Eve and an even more fabulous 2019!